

Despite being in the middle of a live commentary broadcast, Mitsuki was in a state of shock, her entire body devoid of strength. Just moments ago, she had been screaming to the point of her throat feeling torn apart, completely losing her composure.


The reason for this chaos was that moments ago, Lady Karlin was in a dire situation, falling under the hypnotic influence of the Hypnosis Bats.


Lady Karlin will be fine. She’ll definitely overcome it. Despite having such confidence in her mind, hypnosis is an extremely powerful abnormal state.


Moreover, encountering solo and unavoidable audio-induced hypnosis, repeated layering of effects, and the imminent attacks filled with murderous intent from the monsters closing in on Karlin made Mitsuki break her keyboard, screaming and shouting in panic as she watched the live broadcast.


But, in the end, it turned out to be a great exaggeration. Karlin effortlessly self-cancelled the hypnosis, annihilating the hypnotic audio with her immense voice. Acting as if it was no big deal, she continued to charge through the second layer of the dungeon.


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