A tremendous shock that shook the entire dungeon echoed in succession.


Gigantic cannonades, resembling volcanic eruptions with a diameter of five meters, effortlessly pierced through the dungeon walls and continued to be fired from a distant location toward Karlin.


The astounding part was not just their power but their rapid fire. Despite the extraordinary power, these volcanic shots, fired every 2-3 seconds, quickly riddled the dungeon walls with holes.


Amidst such extraordinary bombardment aimed directly at them, Karlin proceeded without a hint of fear.


The moment the cannonade was fired, as if she had sensed it in advance, she gracefully sidestepped to evade it. In the instant before the next shot, she moved forward along the straight path where the volcanic shot had just passed.


Given that there was a risk the floating camera might not be able to evade the cannonade, it repeated this heart-pounding advance. However, the comment section was in uproar.


[What is Lady doing, ooooh!?]

[Even though there’s a slight gap until the next shot, charging straight toward the muzzle aimed at us is terrifying!]

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